









1. 第一条守则:千万要诚实!欺骗海关官员绝对有罪,并会被遣返。




3. 不需要讲完美英文,简短、简洁、听得懂就好,甚至用单字回答都可以。


4. 除非海关想跟你聊天打哈哈,不然也不需要讲太多,否则讲太多失误可能也越多,也可能被套话⋯⋯


5. 如果听不懂海关问什么,千万不要点头说 Yes Yes。可以表明自己英文不好,海关会找人协助。





Q1: May I see your passport, please? (请出示护照)

A1: Here is my passport and the declaration form. (这是我的护照和申报单)


Q2: Where are you from? / Where do you come from? (你是哪里人?)

A2: I am from China.


Q3: What is your final destination? (你本行最后目的地在哪?) 多在转机时被问。

A3: I am going to ___(地方名). / I'm gonna transfer to ___(地方名).


Q4: What's the purpose of your visit? (你来加拿大的目的是什么) / Why are you here? (你为什么来加拿大)

A4: I'm on a trip. / I'm on vacation. (我来旅游度假) / Travel. / Sightseeing. (观光)






I'm here to visit my friends/family. (我来拜访亲友的)

I'm on a business trip. / I'm here for business. (我来出差/做生意/商务旅行)

I'm here for school. / I'm here to study. (我来念书的)

I'm here to work. (我来工作的)



Q5: How long are you planning to stay? / How long will you stay?

A5: 你预计要停留的时间。若已经买好回程机票,也可以顺便提 My return flight is on ______(回程班机日期).



Q6: Where will you be staying? / Whose address is this? 你会住哪里? / 这是谁的地址?

A6: I will stay at my friend's place. / I will stay with my family. (我会住我朋友家/我会跟家人住一起)






I will stay at the hotel / Airbnb / B&B. (我会住旅馆 / Airbnb / B&B)

I will stay (live) in the dorm.(我会住学校宿舍)



Q7: Are you bringing any food with you? (你有带食物吗)

A7: 请据实回答 Yes/No。不论是不是违禁品,只要是能吃的东西就要写 Yes,可以顺便提是什么,比如说 Yes I am, but just some snacks.



Q8: How much cash are you carrying with you? (你身上带多少现金)

A8: I have ______(金额) dollars cash. (超过1万加元上限记得申报)
